PEOPLES 2016: Schedule

Location: Room 1009, 10th floor

December 12, 2016
12:30 - 12:35    Opening
Chair: Malvina Nissim, Viviana Patti, Barbara Plank
12:35 - 13:35    Oral session 1: Gender, Emotion, Personality
12:35 - 12:50    Zooming in on Gender Differences in Social Media
Aparna Garimella and Rada Mihalcea
University of Michigan
12:50 - 13:05    The Effect of Gender and Age Differences on the Recognition of Emotions from Facial Expressions
Daniela Schneevogt1 and Patrizia Paggio2
1University of Copenhagen, 2University of Copenhagen and University of Malta
13:05 - 13:20    A Recurrent and Compositional Model for Personality Trait Recognition from Short Texts
Fei Liu1, Julien Perez2, Scott Nowson3
1The University of Melbourne, 2Xerox Research Centre Europe, 3Accenture Centre for Innovation
13:20 - 13:35    Distant supervision for emotion detection using Facebook reactions
Chris Pool1 and Malvina Nissim2
1Anchormen, Groningen, 2University of Groningen
13:35 - 13:55    Coffee break
13:55 - 14:45    Keynote
Affect Associations in Creative Language
Saif M. Mohammad
NRC, Canada
14:45 - 15:45    Posters and coffee
A graphical framework to detect and categorize diverse opinions from online news
Ankan Mullick1, Pawan Goyal2, Niloy Ganguly2
1Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, 2IIT Kharagpur
Active learning for detection of stance components
Maria Skeppstedt1, Magnus Sahlgren2, Carita Paradis3, Andreas Kerren4
1Gavagai, Linnaeus University, 2Gavagai, 3Centre for Languages and Literature, Lund University, 4Computer Science Department, Linnaeus University
Detecting Opinion Polarities using Kernel Methods
Rasoul Kaljahi and Jennifer Foster
Dublin City University
Effects of Semantic Relatedness between Setups and Punchlines in Twitter Hashtag Games
Andrew Cattle1 and Xiaojuan Ma2
1Hong Kong Universirty of Sciene and Technology, 2Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Generating Sentiment Lexicons for German Twitter
Uladzimir Sidarenka and Manfred Stede
University of Potsdam
Innovative Semi-Automatic Methodology to Annotate Emotional Corpora
Lea Canales1, Carlo Strapparava2, Ester Boldrini3, Patricio Martinez-Barco4
1University of Alicante, 2FBK-irst, 3University of Alicante, GPLSI Research Group, 4Universidad de Alicante
Personality Estimation from Japanese Text
Koichi Kamijo1, Tetsuya Nasukawa1, Hideya Kitamura2
1IBM, 2Kansai University
Predicting Brexit: Classifying Agreement is Better than Sentiment and Pollsters
Fabio Celli1, Evgeny Stepanov2, Massimo Poesio3, Giuseppe Riccardi2
1CIMeC - University of Trento, 2University of Trento, 3University of Essex
Sarcasm Detection : Building a Contextual Hierarchy
Taradheesh Bali and Navjyoti Singh
Social and linguistic behavior and its correlation to trait empathy
Marina Litvak1, Jahna Otterbacher2, Chee Siang Ang3, David Atkins3
1Shamoon College of Engineering, 2Open University of Cyprus, 3University of Kent
The Challenges of Multi-dimensional Sentiment Analysis Across Languages
Emily Öhman, Timo Honkela, Jörg Tiedemann
University of Helsinki
The Social Mood of News: Self-reported Annotations to Design Automatic Mood Detection Systems
Firoj Alam, Fabio Celli, Evgeny A. Stepanov, Arindam Ghosh, Giuseppe Riccardi
University of Trento
15:45 - 16:45    Oral session 2: Affect in interaction, Speech, Well-being
15:45 - 16:00    Microblog Emotion Classification by Computing Similarity in Text, Time, and Space
Anja Summa1, Bernd Resch2, Michael Strube3
1University of Heidelberg, 2University of Salzburg, 3Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies
16:00 - 16:15    A domain-agnostic approach for opinion prediction on speech
Pedro Bispo Santos, Lisa Beinborn, Iryna Gurevych
UKP Lab, Technische Universität Darmstadt
16:15 - 16:30    Can We Make Computers Laugh at Talks?
Chong Min Lee, Su-Youn Yoon, Lei Chen
Educational Testing Service
16:30 - 16:45    Towards Automatically Classifying Depressive Symptoms from Twitter Data for Population Health
Danielle L Mowery1, Albert Park2, Craig Bryan2, Mike Conway2
1University of Utah at Salt Lake City, 2University of Utah
16:45 - 17:00    Wrap-up
CELI (sponsor)
Andrea Bolioli